Monday, November 2, 2009

Dance Workshop!

We have a meeting this Sunday, November 8th from 8-10pm!

This is scheduled to be a dance workshop so it will be held at the Fitness Center Studio in the basement of the Meyerhoff. (If you've never been down to the Fitness Center, you take the elevator that's inside the cafeteria by the dish return and what not.)

While I personally have these things called vertebrae and can't maneuver like the Ross Sisters (see post below),so we can all help each other struggle through the coordination part of The Big Show! Also, feel free to bring costume ideas and questions since the first costume workshop was cancelled due to the Halloween Lantern Parade.

Here's my favorite dance number EVER to get you in the mood...

1 comment:

  1. Can we make this a mandatory leggings & legwarmers & leotards meeting?
