Monday, September 21, 2009

Updates after our meeting w/ Kel & Karol

We just submitted an Event Request Form to have "The GalHaus Revue presents: The Big Show" on Saturday, January 30th, 2010.

At our meeting with Kel and Karol, Kel basically made it very clear that a show in BBOX this semester just wouldn't be possible, let alone one show this semester AND a show next semester. Kel agreed with us that Falvey would definitely be way too big of a venue for our show. This seems to be our best option - further into the semester, a lot of events get going and the first two weekends into the semester were open, so we chose the later one.

We were also told that in order to have a show at BBOX, we need a person to be a stage manager, one person to be a tech person, and at least two people to run doors. I think this will be manageable between members in the group/people interested in being involved but not performing. Kel also said he could suggest some people as far as tech goes and stuff.

Having one show this year may make more sense for us anyways, since we are still starting out. We'll have more time to prepare, more workshops, more rehearsals. Midterm is still the same date, though.

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